
Lesson learned - belts!

While I have an obvious bump, this week I learned that I should be wearing belts for some distinction. How did I learn this? From these two outfits that a belt would've made all the difference. Oh well. I wore heels, can't ask too much of a pregnant lady!

Blouse Liz Claiborne, thrifted | Pants Loved by Heidi Klum, thrifted
Shoes Guess | Necklace MIL closet :) | Bag Lucky Brand

Cardigan Banana Republic, thrifted | Blouse Gap Outlet | Skirt Target maternity, thrifted
Necklace & Earrings gifts from my mom :) | Wedges Preview, Nordstrom Rack

In other news, my only MN friend (yes, that's what I call her, she's the hot genius behind Renter Decorating) and I did some serious damage in the second hand department this week. Check out the spoils:

You can better pics of individual items on the Facebook album "thrifted".

No, these are not all of my winnings for the week. I also got a booger load of baby toys (including a Sophie teether, my MIL cannot get her mind around who would ever buy it for $20! Well I got mine for $0.50 and my babe will still be the swankiest on the block), some clothes for Wade, some maternity clothes for me...and four pairs of shoes, oh my! Wait, make that five. Six if your count a pair I got for Wade.

Before you judge me for being a shopaholic, know that it was 50% off this week Savers if I spent $50 (like that was hard - so it was $25 with the discount) and there was an annual church sale where everything was 50% off the last day (or really whatever you felt like offering) or $3 for what you could fit in a bag - screaming deals! The car looked like we were in the middle of moving.

Okay, now you can judge me for being a shopaholic, but you can be impressed too.