
Pictures: 18 October 2016

It was such a gorgeous fall day and I have such adorable little models at my disposal, so an impromptu photo shoot ensued.

Blake seemed to be posing on purpose - while Jac kept just laying down flat, haha! And Wade was so obnoxious I ended up just handing him my phone to make him go away.

It started with the girls napping and Wade "helping" Mama dig up a bush.

Then the girls woke up and definitely needed their pictures taken. And, like I said, Jac just kept giving me her...personality. 

I love these two pics - Blake is soon happy, and then brother climbs on her rock and you can see her disappointment.

And, I got nothing good of all three kids. That's just wishful thinking.

And, wouldn't these two pictures (above and below) be perfect combined. I need to learn me some photoshop.

Ever seen saddle bags on a baby? Here you go:

Both girls have been obsessed with belly buttons recently. Theirs, their sisters, their brothers, mine - all are fair game. 

See, just lying around. Captures the essence of Jacqueline pretty well.

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