
2019 chapter 33

Did a little project this week:

Sleeping kids is so funny. Two in the same bed. Too good. 

Wade's been doing the girls hair and making them princesses. Correction, he's been doing Blake's hair, then he says he's "too tired" when Jac wants a turn. He's so mean to her! To be fair, she can be quite the jerk to him. Blake and Wade are best friends. Blake and Jac are best friends. Wade and Jac, they're frienamies. Or maybe just enemies. Here's one of Blake's princess hairdos. And spaghetti that Wade got them for breakfast. I had already fed them, for the record. 

One of my young women came to watch my kids while I went to talk to one of my brides (don't I sound do professional?!) and she left her brush. It was a very important item. Thinking the girls need pink hairbrushes for their birthday. Jac traced and drew her brush. The brush was picked up that night while they were sleeping and the next morning Blake looked everywhere for it and was relieved and sad to know that Cori had picked it up. Also, Blake only wants to play with Cori, she keeps asking if she can go to her house. 

Bryan's dad was in town this weekend - he had work here Mon and Tues, but came to play with us for a few days before! Saturday night we had brownies and drank the last of our milk (not everyone got some). Sunday I went to make a dessert and realized we don't have butter (ended up tweaking an apple crisp recipe and used coconut oil. It was good). Monday was crazy and we didn't make it to the store. That night I started making macaroni before I got the babysitter - noodles were ready when I remembered that I don't have milk or butter! FAIL! They had sandwiches and leftovers. 

Tuesday we bought food. Our favorite grocery store has a slightly sloped parking lot. I figured this out quickly and only park on one side. There weren't any spots facing the desired way, so I parked somewhere else. We grocery shop. It was a longer trip; you can imagine if we were out of butter and milk, how low we were on everything else. Jac threw a mild, but lengthy tantrum cause she couldn't hold the marshmallows. Not abnormal. Get out to the car, open the door for kids to get in and I start loading the groceries. Well, trying to. First, I open the back and realized I have a goodwill trip in the back, so I start maneuvering it around and I turn to see my cart rolling away! I grab it back, it happens again. Repeat 4 more times, once with the watermelon falling off the bottom. Somewhere in the middle Jac starts bawling cause she's outside and the door is shut (Blake claims it was the wind...it wasn't too breezy). A lady was watching the whole thing and got out of her car and help my cart why I unloaded it. In it it was annoying, yet funny. And I ended up so sweaty. 

I did a consult to get Lasik! I'm doing it mid-October! I have two weddings I'm shooting this fall, so eyes will be done after just in case there are any post-symptoms. I got to wear the fun sunglasses home after they dilated my eyes and I should've asked for two more pairs (Blake ended up with them hiding under her pillow). 

Wade's been catching butterfly's. He got 5 in his container at one time and was so proud! He keeps running up to me with his eyes lite up with excitement and telling me his every maneuver. As I worked in the yard, made dinner, cleaned the house, went to the bathroom, tucked him in I got to hear about butterflies. Where are the butterflies, do you think they're sleeping, did I scare them off, where's their home, I want that one in their yard, ect. This behavior in a 21 year old would definitely be obsessive and worrisome. In a five year old it's just obsessive and annoying, but also adorable. We've talked about how to catch them without hurting them (he's using his beach net) and how we need to let them go. Overall, he's a pretty decent butterfly hunter. Oh, and he keeps telling me that "it's not smart enough to get out." But if one eludes him he says, "that ones so smart!" 

(Do you see the butterfly flying away?)

A somewhat rare picture of Jac coloring. She gets bored of it way quicker. 

We keep running out of cups. Finally figured it's cause my kids all have a florist shop of little flowers in their rooms. Here they are putting the flowers into the water cause it turned it red. I just went into Wade's room and it smelled very ...weird. Found the culprit: his decomposing floral shop. Gag. I am impressed it got to decompose instead of being spilled. 

The weather has cooled down a few days this week and we met up with friends at the park that have been out of town a lot this summer. We kept saying "5 more minutes" for about an hour because they were having the best time. Then they all got on the slide like they were posing, so then I made them pose. Course, none of my kids were looking. 

We got headbands and Jac's in love with them. And we bought pink scissors. Wade got soccer ones for school (and he thinks Daddy and his friend Maddie would think they're cool). But, the pink scissors are this week's MVP. Both girls keeps saying "Ooh, I need my pink scissors!" Love that they're not scissors, but pink is part of their name. And do you see this little person's neck? When did she get such a big girl long neck? 

And then there is Blake's headband. Wearing it like a warrior. Pink warrior. And this is a perfect picture of her summer: 

We grew some zucchini babies this week. And we've been eating it every single day! I swear just last week I looked at my plants and thought how they weren't doing anything, then I looked not much later and saw two huge-o ones! 

Here's the recipe we've been using - saute or you could probably bake or roast. The carrots help breal up the texture, which can sometimes be mushy or slimy. 

And tomatoes! Wade has been DILIGENT on looking for ripe tomatoes. He always comes running in "Mom! I found a red one!" or "Mom, we have some almost ready! They're be ready tomorrow!" Times 10-25 a day.  

I put some (FREE) stones under this spigot and it turned into the messiest project of my summer. Pure MN clay. Tiniest, longest, messiest project. But making another part of my yard look a little more like the secret garden. And I made a mid-game decision to try to save the moss. Added to the lengthiness. Worth it. 

I made my own laundry detergent today! I spilled some and now my whole house currently smells amazing. 

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