
This week: 16 August 2017

Exciting things first:

All of Husband's family is here/on their way here! Husband is picking up his brother and his family at the airport right now. Should be a fun couple days.

Just booked flights to Georgia in October! Meeting my parents there to celebrate my grandma Bankhead's 95th birthday. She wasn't feeling great when we got married, so she's never met Husband...or my kids. A visit is long overdue.

My mom just booked a flight to come visit us in early September! All the fun visitors and visits. Told you there were exciting things to talk about.

In not exciting news:

I complained about being sick last week, but it went downhill. I strained a muscle in my side/ribs, which made me not able to cough well enough which caused me to get pneumonia. Got meds (amazing) and then got a migraine and threw up a few times. It was a good week. I'm all better now, but still have a sore side and a remaining cough - the two together are killer. Oh, and I sneezed about an hour ago and wanted to cry. Or pass out. Reading for all the aforementioned exciting things to start, and ready to move on from the not exciting.

On time I tried spitting out the car window (I failed pretty miserably. Good thing it rained today to wash away my embarrassment. But better than the time last week where I tried spitting out the window and it didn't even go out the window...) and Wade says from the back seat, "Good job throwing up out side, Mommy!" Best cheerleader.

My poor kiddo's were pretty bored. They were all under the weather too (no one got as bad as me, thank goodness), so they were happy to overload on movies. Blake has started dancing more, especially to music in movies - she really gets her arms involved.

Wade continues to love the garbage truck and everything involved in garbage. I found out we can take a tour of the waste facilities, got to get on that. Monday mornings are a favorite around here cause we get to watch the garbage trucks go by.

Today we met up with my friend and all went grocery shopping. All the kids loved just being together. It was so cute. I love watching these littles all grow up together. Jac's face in this one is so good: 

And everyone on the cart. My friend just had a baby, and it felt so nice to actually be the one helping instead of the one always needing all the help...which I still need, but I'm much better at leaning into the crazy now. 

And then the puddle. People were stopping and laughing with us. We were right on that line of being awesome moms by letting them have fun and being ghetto moms by letting them play in a puddle in the parking lot. Okay, we crossed the line. But they did have a blast. And then we went to another store and my kids were all barefoot and pants less. Definitely crossed the line. 

Okay, family is here! Time to go party. Any by party I mean have all the men leave to play basketball while us women go to bed. My kind of party. 

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